Teh Tarik With Saniza
In the ninth edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza,” we learn about the life and art of Yong Mun Sen, a.k.a. “The Father of Malaysian Paintings.” Yong’s success is the result of decades of learning, hard work and perseverance - an epic journey of insurmountable hardships and challenges.

In the eight edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza,” we get behind the scenes with Executive Producer Ismail Kamarul and Director Quek Shio Chuan on the making of the critically acclaimed film Guang 光

In the seventh edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza,” Chew Fook Aun gives a rare interview sharing his childhood memories, how serendipity shaped his career, his life defining moments and more . . .

In the sixth edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza”, Dr Nazmi Nordin shares his journey from a model cum actor to full time student in pursuit of a Doctor of Philosophy.

In the fifth edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza”, Ng Keng Hooi, our Maycham member, gives a rare interview sharing his childhood memories, his career defining moments, ‘doing the right thing’ even in adversity, and more...

In the fourth edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza”, May Tan shares her stories that have never been written before and more...

In the third edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza”, Song Hoi See shares his childhood memories, how he transformed airport lounges around the world, his ‘Malaysia boleh’ fighting spirit and his favourite makan delights and more...

In the second edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza”, CG Yap gets up and personal sharing thoughts about his mission in HK, childhood memories, family life, sports and more...

Welcome to the first edition of “Teh Tarik with Saniza,” a lighthearted column where we get up close and personal with the personalities who are passionate about flying our Jalur Gemilang. Befittingly, our first two interviewees are the current Co-Chairmen of the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce – Dato’ Gan Khai Choon and Dato’ Seri Cheah Cheng-Hye.