StartmeupHK Salons Events ASEAN on 29 April 2021

04-29-2021 10:30 AM - 04-29-2021 12:45 PM

Dear members, 

As one of the supporting organisations, MAYCHAM is pleased to share with you the StartmeupHK Salons Events ASEAN on 29 April 2021.

Please join a series of virtual events organised by StartmeupHK InvestHK to showcase the business opportunities for startups, investors and corporates in Hong Kong, Greater Bay Area (GBA) and across the region. The 6 Salon events will be held for ASEAN, Greater Bay Area, Europe, India, North America, and South America regions from April-June 2021. The salon event for ASEAN will be held on 29 April at:

09.30 AM - 11.45 AM Jakarta time 

10.30 AM - 12.45 PM Kuala Lumpur Time


You may see the detail agenda and registration of the salon event at

or specific ASEAN at the following link:



Best regards,

The Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (HK and Macau) Limited